Legacy Project Workshops
Intended Audience
- Child Welfare Workers
- Child Welfare Supervisors
- Social Services Non-child Welfare
Targeted Age Group(s)
- 10-12
- 13-17
QIC-EY Engagement Model Components (i) The engagement model components were identified through the QIC-EY Environmental Scan as critical to the support of youth engagement in the attainment of permanence.
- Engage Specialized Staff
- Prioritize Legal, Relational and Cultural Permanence
The Legacy Project, developed by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services through an Opportunities Grant, was designed to increase permanency for children in foster care and at great risk of growing up without a family. The targeted population for the program was children and teens legally free for adoption with no identified adoption resource and who had a goal of independence. The overall objectives of the project were to identify barriers to permanency and to increase the skill of staff in addressing factors that interfere with adoption or guardianship. The Legacy Project Workshops were developed as a series of seven, full-day workshops. The groups were attended by State child welfare workers and private agency personnel. Participants were assigned to a specific group and stayed with that group throughout the course of the workshops. There were workers and supervisors in each group. The workshops were: Permanency Commitment Family Meeting, Talking with Children and Caregivers about Permanency, Child-specific Recruitment, Transracial/Transcultural Issues in Adoption, Making the Match, Making the Transition to Adoptive Placement, and Supporting the New Family.
Implementation Considerations
Although the project is defunct, the final project report provides information about program design and outcomes.